about us
You run because you really love beer, so Great American Brewery Runs combines your favorite craft beers with memorable runs for unique race experiences.
For over six years, GABR has partnered with craft breweries ranging from North Carolina to northern Vermont, developing races that celebrate their craftsmanship and dedication to craft beer.
Like the brewmasters who partner with GABR, we take pride in our races, providing runners at every level, age and ability with an exceptional experience. Each course is measured to the inch and all races are professionally timed. Great American Brewery Runs finish lines are festivals where you can celebrate your success. Brewery tours, food vendors, and live music await at the end of every race.
about us
Race Director, Co-owner
Race Director,
We're brothers who got our start in logistics as co-organizers and owners of the East Coast's largest (formerly) Meetup.com group: TerraMar Adventures.
The Great American Brewery Runs are brought to you by our latest venture, Tiburon Endurance Sports, Inc. - a Philadelphia-based company.
frequently asked questions
Q: What makes the Great American Brewery Runs so great?
A: The beer, swag, charities, and professionalism. Also, the beer.
Q: What are GABR's award categories?
A: Award categories vary from race to race; see individual race pages for detail.
Q: Will the race be timed?
A: Yes: it's not a race without a professional timer. GABR utilizes the most accurate bib chip timing and timing systems.
Q: What's your refund policy?
A: Refunds, transfers and deferments are not allowed.
Q: Can I run with a baby stroller/dog/squirrel?
A: To ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for every runner, GABR races are only for runners and walkers. Strollers and pets are not permitted.
Q: Is the post-race party family friendly?
A: Yes! Bring your family, neighbors, co-workers and friends: post race after parties are free and open to everyone.
Q: Will the race and post-race events be held rain or shine?
A: Races and post-race events are held in rain, sunshine or snow.
Q: Is there a time limit on completion?
A: Since races involve major road closures, the police ask that everyone be able to complete 16 minute miles or faster. Longer races in unique places (like the Schuylkill River 50K) are exceptions; any time limits are posted on individual race pages.
Q: Are there water stations along GABR courses? I'd rather not lug a bottle along with me but I am used to drinking (water) a few times along the way.
A: There is at least one water stop at each GABR race (sometimes more, as indicated on individual race pages) at around mile 2.
Q: At packet pickup, can I collect the race bibs, glasses, etc. for my teammates, family or friends?
A: Yes: this is encouraged because it makes race day packet pickup easier and more enjoyable! Please be sure to bring a copy of photo ID or note from other runners and their bib numbers, if possible. Then make them buy you a beer on Sunday for the favor.
Q: There are no GABR races at craft breweries close to my home. How can I convince you to plan a race at my craft brewery?
A: Beer helps, but we're always interested in discovering new potential craft brewery partners. Contact us directly at jon@greatamericanbreweryruns.com or carl@greatamericanbreweryruns.com to share your ideas.
Q: Are there brewery tours at GABR races?
A: Brewery tours will be provided on a first-come, first-served basis and are managed by the breweries.
Q: What is GABR doing to ensure its race series is sustainable?
A: We try to partner with breweries who are committed to using renewable energy sources, recycling hops, and other practices, like installing composting toilets, solar panels, and green roofs. In certain locations, like Vermont, these actions are born of necessity. GABR does not use some of the equipment and supplies you would typically see at races. For example, instead of using plastic snow fencing, we have opted to use washable, reuseable printed fabric netting at races with reusable step-in stakes. Instead of using plastic zip ties, we use the same reuseable elastics at each race. Whenever possible, we invite vegan and vegetarian food trucks to our races, since the food we eat is a major factor in climate change. We're doing our best to sort trash from recycling at each race; donate leftover packaged food and bananas to local food pantries; help recycle used running shoes; and, unlike other races, we do not give away t-shirts with race registrations to avoid excess ordering that ends up in landfill. This is why we order smaller quantities.
There are many other things GABR can do to ensure the thousands of feet at each race leave a light print, so to speak. Water stops are essential and we hope to implement more using compostable cups and water trucks, as we are able to source both.